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Pyramid Film Festival《BLANKA》& Christmas Eve Party


◆播映電影◇逆光少女BLANKA (Tagalog發音、中英文字幕)
◆活動時間◇2017.12.24 17:00-20:30
◆主辦單位◇ SEAT南方時驗室 & 壹零玖伍文史工作室


→ 16:00-16:50 放置交換禮物 (禮物收集處:東協廣場一樓行動圖書館)
→ 16:50-17:00 開放入場
→ 17:00-18:00 交換禮物活動、享用餐點
→ 18:00-20:00 《BLANKA》播映
→ 20:00-20:30 心得分享


關於 【畢拉密影展】
自2017年3月起, 1095每個月精選一部關於東南亞移民工的紀錄片,希望藉由影像的力量,激起台灣人與東南亞移民工共同去認識、瞭解、討論他們在台灣的現況。
目前已經播映《娘惹滋味》、《 漁聲The Cries of Sea》、《 神戲》、 《 《再見 可愛陌生人》-移工紀錄片巡演《 第一廣場 Lovely Sundays》、《 ARNIE 阿尼 》、《 漫漫舞》..

Pyramid Film Festival& Christmas Eve Party
Film: “BLANKA”
Venue: SEAT
Time: 2017.12.24 (Sun) 17:00-20:30
Admission: Free of charge (Please bring one gift for Exchanging)

Blanka makes her living on the street of Manila from small thefts and tricks. She dreams of saving enough money to “buy” a mom. When she meets talented Peter, a blind gambling musician, her life takes an unexpected direction. They decide to join forces in order to face everyday struggles. Thanks to Peter, Blanka discovers to be a talented singer and, more importantly, understands that money cannot buy the love of a person.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXKhDhl0aa0

Event Rundown
16:00-16:50 Gifts collecting (Location: The mobile library at 1F, ASEAN square)
16:50-17:00 Reception (Location: SEAT at 3F, ASEAN square)
17:00-18:00 Exchanging gifts& Dinner
18:00-20:00 Filming (Film: “BLANKA”)
20:00-20:30 Sharing


source:畢拉密影展《逆光少女》暨平安夜餐會Pyramid Film Festival《BLANKA》