
When picturing and planning this exhibition, I was constantly picking up inspirations, no matter from walks or conversations, within the period of moving or staying. I recorded all these details of the exhibition on papers, where inscribed words left marks on the back side. If the process of seeking and writing down inspirations arising in the mobile life is a gesture of picking things up, it seems that all these moving paths or marks on the back side of papers will somehow overlap in an implicit way. What we see in a place stay inside us even if we leave and stop by another. As these footprints and written words accumulate, it’s like we can travel on the papers.
Valley Fold begins with papers. I see marks on the back sides of papers as paths of my migrations. Imagine written words and patterns being recorded down on papers. Through writing, the back side of the paper becomes the front and the marks transform into words then connect into concepts. Handwriting is just like walking traces. Within the time of steps, we constantly make duplicating moves known as writing and moving with all the footprints left on the ground. Facing a blank paper is just like imagining a space. Perhaps we can say being in a space is just like walking and stepping on papers. We move to get close to a thing but the thing generates its state and appearance as we move.
Handwritings are our footprints; papers are the ground; the desk is the space which will be gradually stacked up and as we read and walk. I see this exhibition place as piles of papers. On the folding and unfolding terrains, within the distance of the front and back side, through reading and walking, from the outer to the interior, I return to the imagination of the artwork’s meaning, and eventually walk into it.


Born in1994.Lives and works in Taipei.Tsai’s current artworks are emphasize the way of seeing in daily life. He is interested in the relationship between the viewed subjects and their viewers. Utilizing techniques such as collage, dislocation, comparison, he creates a new visual layer on top of everyday and media experiences that alter the original landscape and create optical illusions. Handheld camera images and pictures in alignment are his main way to narrate in his works.Through the relationship between images, objects, and me in life, I ponder the cognitive differences caused by distance, time, and spatial orientation, and use self as a benchmark to identify and confirm the different appearances of things.




展覽日期 Date|2021/8/29 (Sun.) -10/03 (Sun.)
開幕茶會 Opening|8/29 (Sun.) 15:00
座談時間 Forum|8/29 (Sun.) 15:30
與談人 Guest|陳松志


  • 展期

    日期:2021-08-29 ~ 2021-10-03

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家



