大雋藝術Rich Art:【Floating flowers 一瞬の永遠|白田誉主也個展】Floating Flowers: 2021 Hakuta  Yoshuya Solo Exhibition - 非池中藝術網

《Floating flowers 一瞬の永遠—白田誉主也個展》
Floating Flowers: 2021 Hakuta Yoshuya Solo Exhibition

▌開幕茶會 Opening Reception|09.18 Sat. 14:30
▌日期 Date|2021.09.18 Sat. – 12.25 Sat.
▌時間 Time|週二至週日11:00-19:00 (週一公休Mon. Closed)
▌地點 Venue|大雋藝術(408台中市南屯區惠文路489號 No. 489, Huiwen Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan(R.O.C)


Time does not stop for us. The scenes we’ve passed, sounds we’ve heard, are like films that fade with time. What remains in our memories are moments of beauty that resemble falling flowers, embedded in eternity…

時近秋分,大雋藝術榮幸地推出日本藝術家白田誉主也(Hakuta Yoshuya)2021個展《Floating flowers 一瞬の永遠》,白田誉主也將為人熟知的動物作為膠彩創作主題,本次發表中可見朵朵飄零舞動的花朵環繞在動物周圍,被花所遮蔽的身體,宛如植物被昆蟲啃食的缺口,有著曖昧的存在關係,盛情生命與綺麗幻象交織出不平凡景致,並運用日本和紙、落水紙等多層敷黏,蘊造出形意獨具的迷人作品。象徵自由與希望的花,在盛開的同時,動物們也打開封閉的視野,享受著稍縱即逝的自由,藝術家欲捕捉那一瞬光彩,呈現昇華至永續的存在,盼觀者沉湎在絕妙化境之際,體悟寧靜與和諧。

As we enter the season of Autumn, Rich Art is honored to be presenting “Floating Flowers,” the 2021 solo exhibition of Japanese artist Hakuta Yoshuya. Hakuta Yoshuya will be showcasing his works on animals depicted through gouache that are surrounded with flowers in this new series. Parts of the animals’ bodies are covered with flowers, resembling plants nibbled by insects. The plants and insects present an ambiguous relationship while the vibrancy of life and magical imageries intertwine into unique compositions. Washi and Warabi paper are layered to create mesmerizing visual effects, while the flowers represent freedom and hope. When the flowers bloom, the visions of the animals are enlightened, allowing them to enjoy fleeting freedom. The artist captures the fleeting moment of light and color and elevates them into eternity with the hope that viewers will be able to immerse in the magical land and experience tranquility and harmony.


“What does happiness mean for animals? Spending entire lifetimes within enclosed spaces? Living a life that is dominated and managed by others with nothing but a sense of imaginary freedom? What do they need? What are their hearts’ desires? These are the things I am constantly thinking about but can never find answers to. Therefore, I hope that, at least in my works, I will be able to hear their hearts’ desires, move closer to their ideal states, and fulfill their wishes.”

——白田誉主也 Hakuta Yoshuya


The changes of this world often happen in a blink of an eye. For over one year, human activities have entered a temporary pause, allowing nature to indulge in this rare period of rest and to breathe and proliferate. But what about animals that are kept in zoos? Through his unique observation, Hakuta Yoshuya explores the inner states of animals in the context of survival. The artist captures the spirit of the animals through minimal visual language and guides viewers in savoring the changes in their lives and moments of happiness; they seem to break free from the constraints of the world, and their souls are set free.

