本週新加坡老巴剎 洋溢濃濃新年味。(本文圖源與資料為新加坡華族文化提供)本週新加坡老巴剎 洋溢濃濃新年味。(本文圖源與資料為新加坡華族文化提供)

「到老巴剎品嚐當地美食時,也能感染農曆新年氣氛!我們在老巴剎舉辦了免費的戲曲頭飾填色工作坊!訪客在Food Folks 或任何一家老巴剎美食攤位消費$10以上,便可免費「穿上」我們的2D服飾,在旁邊的照相亭領取免費相片。
We’ve teamed up with the iconic Lau Pa Sat, to spruce up the CNY vibes as you relish on your favourite local dishes with our opera headgear colouring workshop booth at Lau Pa Sat today! Visitors also got to chance to put on 2D costumes and have photos taken for free at our photo booth with $10 spent at Food Folks or Lau Pa Sat ! 」